How to make an open water heart from 60+ swimmers

Swim from the Heart
Join hundreds of swimmers from around the world on Friday, May 27, 2016, by participating in the first international Swim from the Heart meet in Haifa, Israel.
Swim from the Heart will raise awareness and critical research funds to predict and prevent sudden cardiac death (SCD) in children and adults—the number one natural cause of death in the United States and worldwide.
Yesterday dozens of swimmers came from all over Israel to swim in the sea, it wasn’t a normal Friday open water swim, It was a heart swim, not only swimming from the heart but swimming in a shape of a heart.

When swimming in open water it is very hard to control your pace in 2-4 swimmers, how will we control the pace of 60+ swimmers without braking the “heart”?
Ori Sela the founder of WEST swimming technique couldn’t do it alone, the task was hard and coordinating, so many swimmers swimming together? With the help of the top open water swimmers and coaches we made the heart shaped as a clock, every red balloon is a swimmers in charge of 5-8 swimmers to make this beautiful amazing heart shape.
We practiced 2 times on the land, again in the shallow waters and then in the sea, the swimmers were not allowed to say they are cold or chilly, just to smile, for some of them it was very hard, swimming in the cold winter is one thing but standing in the deep waters to organize the shape without moving is challenging and very cold.
The cause to raise money to Rambam hospital and save lives was so important that the swimmers started feeling just a little warm.
Yes we did it!!!
We worked as a team to this amazing goal and the heart suddenly started moving, and all the swimmers swam together at the exact same pace.
Is it a new record? We don’t really care we succeeded in a goal not for us but for people for saving lives.
So don’t forget, swim from the heart or don’t swim at all.

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