Marrying a swimmer: Yes or No?
When I was younger, before I met my wife, I had a dream – to marry someone who was also an athlete, preferably a swimmer. I liked the idea of my partner and I having the same hobbies and spending more time together.
After we got married my wife, Tami, told me she was not going to compete in the upcoming Triathlon in Eilat. When I asked her why she said, smiling: “Well, it’s because by then I’ll be pregnant.”
I told her she didn’t have to be pregnant if she wanted not to compete, but sure enough, she was pregnant by the time the Triathlon started.
I was happy about becoming a dad, but a little sad about losing my dream of training with my wife, swimming with her, sharing with her my love for sport and the water.
But Tammy has a different view of sports than I do. She exercises because it’s healthy, but hates outdoor sports. When she came biking with me, she did it only for me, and now, when I come to think about it, it was no fun for me either. I worried about her throughout the ride, and couldn’t enjoy that amazing smile of hers.
More than 15 couples got married after meeting in Water World centers: swimmers, triathletes, employees, instructors and coaches.
Some of those couples try to train together, but after ten years of marriage I have come to realize that the most important thing is for each person to find his or her right place, to engage in the activity that he or she likes, that gives them the most satisfaction, even if it’s not together. Be friends, but when you practice sports, do it with a friend that feels the same way about it as you do.
This is the best advice I can give you.
My wife, whom I love more than anything in the world, likes to train twice a week. For me, sports is a way of life. It fills me with energy. It is my power, my air. I’m glad now that my wife, being a true friend, showed me that a happy marriage doesn’t mean doing everything together, and a happy marriage is indeed a dream worth aspiring for.
Tal Marmur & Ran Sirota a day before getting married:
By the way, how do you think he feels that she id faster then him?