Swimming as therapy

The water is a weight free environment, which is its biggest advantage, especially for the muscles, tendons and joints. It is easier on the muscles to get stronger, lengthen and get more flexible when they do not have to carry any weight.

Being in the water means changing our natural environment, and adapting our body to different set of conditions such as greater ranges of movement, and minimal weight stress on our body. Swimming obliviously improves our movement in the water, but also on land:

  1. Gaining muscle strength– swimming strengthens us up all around, especially our arms, legs and core muscles, as well as lengthening them and improving our flexibility.
  2. Improving cardio- pulmonary function- swimming improves our aerobic conditioning, burns fat and develops better cardio- pulmonary abilities.
  3. Improving balance reaction– swimming improves balance skills, via different exercises such as walking and running in the water, and floating drills.
  4. Improving land functioning– all that have said above improves our functioning on land and helps develops other skills on land, physical and general activities.
  5. Fun– the features of the water and swimming practices give great joy and diversity to our everyday life.
  6. Social interactions and bonding– between the coaches and team mates. Water world has 15 swimmers (we also have non registered swimmers who take part of team workouts) who swim regularly with the team once or twice a week. In addition, most of them play other sports as well.

The team goes on meets and annual events regularly. The meets include short course and long course pools, as well as open water swims. Also, the majority of the team is also on the Israeli Special Olympics team, as part of the organization of Special Olympics games.


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