Hydro running treatment

Hydrotherapeutic treatment of back, knees, ankles, hip, Achilles tendon injuries and shin splints (stress fractures).

Running is a very healthy sport, but it isn’t so for everyone.
Every person has a different body type, ankle angles and flexibility.
Over the past few years running has became very popular thanks to its availability: you don’t have to think, or drive, just put on your running shoes and go for a run.
Because of its availability, lack of experience and incorrect training, there are many runners coming in Water World after injuries, due over using the joints in long runs, and lack of stretching (most people don’t stretch post workout), which increases tension in the joint and might cause tendinitis (tendon inflammation) ect.

Here at Water World we believe you need to keep training, even if it hurts, but you must go other sports, which uses different muscles in order to continue the aerobic work.
Many of running injuries are caused by the friction with the ground (even if you are wearing good shoes). It creates a lot of tension on the joints. Therefore, swimming, and underwater treatment, such as rehabilitation or hydrotherapeutic is highly efficient.

But what happens if we have been running our whole life, and we want to continue running? Or we have an upcoming track meet and we don’t want to get out of shape?

For this very reason we have built some easy to understand set of drills, so you can keep on training all the time. Of course, it is better you consult our WEST swimming technique staff, so you know how often you should go under water running or which one is the right hydrotherapeutic treatment for you.

If you do want to learn how to swim freestyle?Fill in the WEST swimming technique diagnose questionnaire  and you will get your 50% off coupon to your first course.

But please don’t stop training even if you are injured.

In this video you can see a running exercise drill:

1. Walking in the water with sculling (arm circles)- this is the first and basic drill of hydrotherapeutic in order to be able to run underwater. The drill is basically walking. We move forward in the water by sculling. We also warm up our legs muscles, and get our joint to work harder later on.
2. Legs biking and walking- this is the second drill preparing us to running. We go biking movement in the water, and alternating walking every once in a while, in order to warm up our ankles under high intensity. This time we are not using our arms, but perform the drill standing still.
3. Walking on your toes and extending your knees- a great drill. It helps our stabilization. We try to walk slow and let our legs muscles do all the work. Don’t let your heels touch the floor. You can change the height of the ankle, according to the pressure you feel on it.
4. Lifting up your knees- we want to get our quadriceps muscle used to a full range of motion and prepare it to running.
5. Running in the water, with and without your arms- all of the drills up to now are meant to prepare you to the real thing, which is now. You can cut short the preparation drills as you complete more and more workouts. Go for a 10 min for the first time, and go slow. It might seem easy, but it is one of the hardest drills. It creates long, elastic and elegant movement of running. You can certainly perform this drill once a week even when you are pain free.

Under water running can easily substitute a standard running workout. It works the exact same muscles, only without gravity- and without the tension and concussion on the joints.

If you never learned how to swim or you know how to swim but your swimming technique needs some improvement start your WEST swimming technique on-line program and you will love the changes in your body.

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