Miriam Bar-on after car & bike accident swimming WEST

Miriam Bar-on almost died when when a car crashed her bike.

She biked 50 miles per hour when a driver didn’t see her and crashed face to face with her.

Miriam was saved by a miracle when most of her bones where broken, her arm, sternum, knee, tibia and more..


A week after with  wheel chair she was in the water swimming WEST, at first she couldn’t move her left leg and right arm…

Miriam got her life back with this amazing swimming technique, when she started swimming WEST at first only with half of her body, but after only 2 months she got her life back and ran, biked and off course swam in the healthiest swimming technique called WEST.



Some times we just need to move our body in order to cure our sole, WEST swimming technique not only helps you swim it takes your muscles and transform them in order to protect your body.

In order to learn more and get a 50% off on your first online swim WEST course, fill in the WEST swimming questionnaire>>

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