Workout #1 Freestyle – Print

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Learn freestyle WEST workout 1

No.Exercise InstructionsPicturesVideo ClipsExercise objective & Highlights
17 min- Arms circling and legs kicking without breathing.
Once you run out of air stand slowly, take 5 breaths and continue

Adjustment 1 -Blowing air through your nose

Adjustment 3- – Arms Circling
Maintain a stretching depth of 35 cm under water when circling with your arms.
Try to stand up a little before your run out of air.
210 min- Freestyle with your arms straight, gliding slowly

After each 10 m. take 5 breaths at the wall (without walking)
Learn freestyle 2 - Gliding WindmillVery important to enter your arms in the water slowly and start gliding only when your palm touches the water.
37 min- Kicking with fins for 12.5 m. with your legs in freestyle using fins.

After each 12.5 m. roll over and stand, and take 5 breaths
Adjustment 4- Legs kicking with fins & standing up.Swim with your arms straight or at your sides and make sure you stand slowly
**if you run out of air before 12.5m swim 10 or 7 meters each time.
410 min- 12.5 m freestyle using fins.

After each 12.5 m. do 2 stretches: Arm on chest and Hands behind your back holding the wall

Stretch 1-Arm on chest

Stretch 2 - Hands behind your back holding the wall
It's not important whether your arms are straight or bent when swimming freestyle, but it is important to stand up slowly, to protect your lower back
57 min- 12.5m freestyle using fins, swimming the Superman style.

After each 12.5 m. do the Arm on chest stretch
Freestyle drill 21- Superman for 5 seconds
Stretch 1-Arm on chest
Very important when swimming the Superman drill to keep your head facing the floor, one arm stretched in front 35 cm(A-50cm B-35cm C-20 )deep and the other at the hip,
Only after 5 seconds swap the arms.
This drill is the first time you use the WEST flexibility test.
67min- 12.5m with your arms circling and legs kicking using fins, without breathing.

After each 12.5 m. do the Fin stretch
Stretch 4-Fin stretchStretch your arms in an arrow position for 3 seconds each time 35 cm deep(if your are A- 50cm, C- 20cm), with your legs kicking slowly
710 minutes stretching
Stretch 1 - Arm on chest
,Stretch 2 - Hands behind your back holding the wall. Stretch 4- Fin stretch,Stretch 6- Head to knee.
DNA-6 workout 1- Opening our lungs and adjusting the muscles.(58 min workout)

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